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Finding Home Improvement Contractors

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Baeumler Approved
For homeowners, using the Baeumler Approved contractor directory also has perks. It’s a free way to find reputable contractors and home service companies. You can get in touch with them faster. You can start the quoting process earlier and get better results. You will receive honest quotes, fair treatment, and a high-quality final product whether you’re looking for a minor home renovation or a custom home built from the ground up. We expect that you’ll have long-term relationships with the quality contractors you find here. Read More
Let us help
Fans reach out to me seeking advice on how to select a Contractor, Tradesperson, or Home Service Company. I have established the Baeumler Approved Program to give you peace of mind. We help you take the first steps in selecting who you will trust to help you improve.
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Becoming Baeumler Approved
Are you ready to become Baeumler Approved? Every member of the Baeumler Approved program is obligated to follow our Code of Conduct. If they don’t, they may be removed from the program. Read More
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Our Partners
Baeumler approved professionals get access to discounts and special offers.
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Air Miles
  • Home Depot
  • RBC
  • Habitat For Humanity