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The Importance of Testing Your Pool Water

The acidity of the water is tested and measured on a scale of 0 to 14. PH below 7.0 indicates acidity and a PH of 8.0 or higher indicates the water is basic or alkaline.

Water where the PH levels get too low, becoming acidic causes harm to swimmers and can cause damage to the equipment. Acidic water burns the eyes and nostrils and dries the skin. Acidity can discolour fiberglass pool shells and vinyl liners, as well as corrode metal equipment.

Water with high PH levels allow algae and other harmful germs and bacteria to grow.  High alkalinity also causes the chlorine to become less effective and you may find yourself trying to add more chemicals in attempt to clear your cloudy water.

It’s important to regularly ensure you the PH and alkalinity levels are balanced.  The optimal PH balance for a swimming pool is 7.4 which is the same PH as found in the human eye.

To ensure balanced PH you should be testing your water at least once and a week and up to three times a week during periods of heavy rainfall.  Water tests don’t have to be done in store, you can purchase test strips to complete at home. Make sure to read the manufacture instructions on the label. Your pool water should be tested professionally occasionally throughout the season, especially upon opening and again before closing.

Maintaining a properly PH balanced pool is the key to safe swimming and the longevity of your investment.