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How to Start Planning a Condo Renovation: FAQs, Tips & More
Baeumler Approved

How to Start Planning a Condo Renovation: FAQs, Tips & More 

Planning a condo renovation can be an exciting project that transforms your space into a more comfortable and personalized home. However, unlike standalone homes, condo renovations come with unique considerations due to shared living spaces and building regulations.  

This guide will walk you through the essentials of planning a condo renovation, from understanding the legalities to choosing the right contractors. By the end of this article, you’ll feel well-equipped to start your renovation project and ensure the journey is smooth, compliant, and successful. 

What are the first steps in planning a condo renovation? 

Before diving into a condo renovation, you should get a clear understanding of what’s allowed. Start by reviewing your condo board’s rules and regulations. You’ll need to submit your renovation plans for approval before any work can begin. Additionally, hiring an architect or a designer who has experience with condo projects can be invaluable, as they understand how to maximize small spaces and the specific legal constraints. 

Do I need special permissions for condo renovations?   

Please remember that the well-being of all building residents is a priority. Hours of work and noise levels will be restricted, which may extend certain timelines.

Yes, condo renovations often require special permissions from your condo board or management. This typically includes detailed plans of the work to be performed and sometimes even the hiring of contractors approved by the board. Ensure that your plans comply with all local building codes and regulations to avoid any potential issues.  

How do I choose the right contractor for my condo renovation? 

Choosing the right contractor is critical for a successful condo renovation. Look for contractors with experience in condo renovations, as they will be more familiar with working within the constraints and potential limitations imposed by condo boards. It’s also beneficial to check reviews and ask for referrals. Ensure that your contractor is licensed and insured to protect yourself against any liability

What are common mistakes to avoid in condo renovations?

One common mistake is underestimating the timeline and budget needed for renovation projects. Condo renovations can often face delays due to the approval processes or unexpected challenges that arise when dealing with shared building infrastructure. Additionally, not adhering to the board’s/strata’s/HOA’s rules can lead to fines or being asked to undo the renovations.

Can I make structural changes to my condo?  

Structural changes in a condo are typically more complicated than in a detached home. Most condo renovations cannot alter the building’s structure without serious implications and permissions. It’s important to consult with a structural engineer and seek approval from your condo board before planning any structural changes. Condo renovations are best kept to interior-design focused-renovations (i.e. new kitchen cabinets or bathroom amenities).

How should I handle renovation debris and noise?

Dealing with renovation debris and managing noise levels is extremely important in a condo setting to maintain good relations with your neighbours. Many condo boards have specific rules about noise control and debris disposal. It might be necessary to schedule work during specific hours and ensure that all debris is promptly and properly disposed of according to building regulations. Dealing with renovation debris and managing noise levels is extremely important in a condo setting to maintain good relations with your neighbours. Many condo boards have specific rules about noise control and debris disposal. It might be necessary to schedule work during specific hours and ensure that all debris is promptly and properly disposed of according to building regulations.  

What is the best time of year to schedule a condo renovation?

Deciding on the best time to schedule a condo renovation can impact both the ease of the project and its completion time. Typically, renovations during spring or fall are ideal due to moderate weather conditions, which can be favourable when materials need to be transported or when any part of the building is temporarily exposed to elements. Additionally, consider your condo board’s schedule, as some boards may have slower response times during holiday seasons. 

If you’re renovating a seasonal condo home (say for snowbirds), it’s best to renovate in the off-season.

How can I finance my condo renovation? 

Financing a condo renovation can be approached in several ways. Homeowners might consider personal savings, home equity loans, or personal loans. Each option has its merits and considerations, such as interest rates and repayment terms. It’s important to review your financial situation and possibly consult with a financial advisor to choose the best method for funding your renovation project. 

Are there specific design considerations for renovating a small condo space? 

Maximizing a small condo space requires creative design solutions. Utilizing multi-functional furniture, choosing light colours to make the space feel larger, and smart storage solutions are key strategies. Hiring a designer with experience in small spaces can also provide innovative ideas and help avoid common design pitfalls, such as overcrowding the space with too large furniture or improper lighting. 

What should I look for in a condo renovation contract?

A thorough condo renovation contract should clearly outline the scope of work, project timeline, payment schedule, and detailed specifications of materials and labour. It’s best to ensure that the contract also includes clauses for change orders, dispute resolution, and warranties. Always have a legal professional review the contract before signing to ensure all terms protect your interests and comply with local laws. 

Find a Certified Builder Today 

Renovating a condo involves careful planning and consideration of many factors, from legal restrictions to the physical limitations of the space. By choosing a contractor through Baeumler Approved, you can feel confident that your renovation project is in capable hands. Start your contractor search with us today to make your condo renovation a resounding success.